AmWest is a diversified simulcast service provider that enjoys strong track relationships, as well as other extensive racing industry and marketing firm affiliations. Our passion, background and continued involvement in Thoroughbred racing and breeding, and ongoing commitment to many state HBPA and other national Thoroughbred industry organizations are major determinants in how we seek to conduct our business activities. Our management staff is experienced and sophisticated. We are committed to serve our industry and customers utilizing transparency, best practices, enthusiasm and with a performance and approach that is beneficial to the best interests of our sport.
AmWest’s mission is to be a source of enhanced wagering into U.S. track pools, we preserve the integrity of racing by ensuring that players comply with all applicable regulatory requirements, and that this wagering activity directly benefits state racing and breeding programs. AmWest is dedicated to enhancing our players’ wagering experience while preserving the tradition of support for the horsemen and other contributing members of the racing industry.